Thursday, October 4, 2012

Discovering Sexuality

Volunteering at the Breast Center just keeps getting better and better. I just love talking to the patients and one of them really made my day today. While she was leaving with the nurse I heard her tell the nurse that I was precious. It really made my day to hear that.

All I've been hearing recently has just really brought me down. I was just so glad to hear something positive being said about me by a complete stranger instead of all the things said by my friend. I'm still holding onto hope that we may still be friends even if that makes me sound like a dumbass.

I also went to another LGBT meeting and was excited to hear that we will be marching in Atlanta Pride! Pagan Pride is also happening on the same day as Pride but not on the same day as the march which is great. I can't wait to go to it. That's all happening next weekend and I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on those events.

The club meeting was very personal today. I came in a little late because I had to rush over from the hospital to make it on time so I walked in when people were sharing their experiences with their sexuality and how they came out to their family members and friends. I won't retell any of the stories for privacy but hearing some of these stories really saddened me.

I know that this is a difficult issue for some people to come out and talk about but being gay, a lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual, or any other -sexual/gender shouldn't matter. We are all human beings here and deserve the same rights as everyone else.

What I hate hearing the most is when people say "well that's your choice". It's not a choice. It's just how you were born.. You can't help who you're attracted to. There are many other species of animal that practice homoerotic behaviors so who's to say that humans are different? We're classified in the mammals' category. We are technically animals whether you want to say we are or not.

Some animals are faster, some are stronger, and some are smarter. We just happened to be more intelligent when it came to that category.

Or maybe we're not because intelligent people wouldn't deny a fellow human their right to live the way they want to and be with the person they love.

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