Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Everyday Magick

So I have some amazing news! First of all, I met with my teacher the other day and was informed that my little Wiccan Study Group is destined to become a training coven. Although, the study group meetings will remain open for everyone, the coven shall not be. Only members and people who are dedicated in joining the coven will be allowed to meet with us for rituals. We may have open Sabbats though.

What's even more exciting and a little nerve racking is that my teacher wants me to take on the responsibility of being the High Priestess of it. He wants me to think of it as "on the job training". So my Sister Witch, Cara is going to be assisting me in making all this happen. I've got her working on writing down and recording Dynion Mwyn rituals right now.

She's going to be a big part in this coven, so I'm expecting a lot out of her. Tonight, I'm going to get started on writing down the laws of the coven so every member knows what is expected of them. These laws will include attendance, code of ethics, obligations outside of rituals, and expected study. Some of you may think that's a little too much for a coven especially if you've never been in one.

However, a coven is a family unit. We work together, worship together, and raise energy together. It's for those who are especially dedicated in learning the Wiccan Tradition and the Craft. If you are not dedicated to this path, then you probably shouldn't claim it as your religion. Nothing makes me more annoyed than someone who claims they are Wiccan and never follows through with it or practices or worships regularly.

I don't believe anyone is doing themselves any good by being spiritual some of the time. You have to be spiritual all of the time. I do magick everyday and no that doesn't mean that I do a ritual everyday or a spell everyday. There are small things you can do that are magickal. You may not think that sitting on your couch with your eyes closed for 10 minutes just listening to yourself breathe is magickal but it is. It's meditation and it's becoming one with yourself, it's relieving your stress, it's relaxing your muscles, it's helping you to reconnect with yourself all in 10 minutes.

You may not think that vacuuming your room is very magickal but it is if you think about it! As one would use a broom to sweep away negativity from your sacred space, you are taking it away by vacuuming your room and keeping it tidy. You are ridding your space of negativity.

Once you start thinking of your days like this, you'll start to realize that you create magick all the time. That you live and breathe magick every single day.If you need a little help thinking this way, or trying to fit magick into your day here's a really neat book that I would recommend: Wicca: A Year and A Day By Timothy Roderick.

You can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/Wicca-Year-Spiritual-Practice-Craft/dp/0738706213/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1360704694&sr=8-1&keywords=wicca+a+year+and+a+day

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