Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Books Galore

It's been quite a day and another adventure. I finally finished reading the book I had started back near the beginning of January called Crafting Wiccan Traditions by Raven Grimassi. I found out that Grimassi actually taught Scott Cunningham the Craft which I thought was very cool. I'll probably post a book review on my other blog about it soon. My other blog is at: http://goddesspoetry.blogspot.com/

I think the next book I'm going to start reading is The Earth Path by Starhawk. I was just thumbing through and I hope that it's interesting. I don't get very much time to read these days so I need to make some time. I've been busy taking exams and things and trying to get this coven together.

The other day I was at Goodwill and saw a book that caught my eye called The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. I had seen it earlier in the New Age section of the Barnes & Nobles and decided to buy it. It was only a dollar and fifty cents compared to the twelve dollars it was at the book store so I thought why not. Plus, it looks like it's never been read. While I was there my dad saw a marble mortar and pestle and knew that I would like it so he ended up buying it for me. I already have one but it was so pretty and much bigger than the one I already had.

I would say that my life is looking up now. Things are getting better for me. I am getting out of that terrible place I have been in for the past month. I just need to keep my chin up and keep looking towards the future. The only person who can stop me is myself after all.

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