Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Finals Week

I am officially done with my Physics class today. I took the final and now it's over...till I have to take the second part next semester. I've been studying my ass off for my last two finals. After I finish writing this I'm going to start a load of clothes and start looking at chemistry. My Chemistry final is tomorrow. I really need to do well on this.

It's so weird that I haven't been doing well on the exams in the class because I printed off all the practice exams and exams we took during the semester and filled them out. I only missed one or two problems on each exam and this was without even studying the notes. How come I can do this when I'm not in class but can't when I am? Maybe I have anxiety in that class.

For some reason, I haven't been able to focus on my studies this week. I feel like I'm constantly distracted by other things. Not that these distractions are bad, but I'm procrastinating more than usual. I've been having to force myself to study for my Cardio/Hepatic/Pulmonary/Renal Physiology exam and it hasn't been going to well. I've been studying two chapters of it a day.

I stopped trying to memorize everything and just read over it and get the gist of things. I'm getting all confused about the TCA cycle and how triglycerides work. It's messing me up! Luckily, I have three more days to get it straightened out.

I think tonight would be a good night for me to do some meditation to try and relax my mind and relieve some of the stress. It may also help me focus more on my studies. I know the new moon is coming up Thursday. Maybe that's why I'm so distracted.

I've also been thinking about Yule a lot. I have to get the ritual posted soon and go out and buy supplies for it. The one thing I am really looking forward to this week is sleeping in on Thursday. I am so excited. I don't get to sleep in during the week ever!

I'm so ready to relax tomorrow night after my Chemistry Final because my next final isn't till Friday. I can't wait to spend the day with my boyfriend.

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