It's been a little hard for me today to accept people's logic. I'm still stuck on how people with a monotheistic faith want to judge me and other polytheistic people. I'm not here to please anyone with how I live my life.
I volunteer at a hospital, I give to charity, I heal others, I teach children how to read and do math, and I'm the one going to hell?
So who made you God for a day and gave you the right to judge who I am? I don't do volunteer work and give to charity thinking that God will bless me. I do it out of the goodness of my heart. I'm the one who will give a homeless person all the cash out of my wallet when they ask. I've done that at three different times that I can think of recently. I give them much more than a dollar.
I don't size them up and think they're just going to buy booze with it. I don't tell them to get a job and walk by. I don't preach to them and tell them God will heal their suffering and to just believe in Him and everything will be okay.
That guy is hungry! He can't eat your words or wait for God to throw a sandwich down from the sky! Help him, damn it!
If anything that's an opportunity to show God or whoever you worship that you're a good person!
No one will know what the truth is until they die. If I die tonight and wake up in Hell then I'll admit I'm wrong, but until then don't tell me how to live my life because I don't tell anyone how to live theirs. If you have a problem with my religion then you don't have to speak to me or even be around me.
You have faith in your religion and I have faith in mine. However, I think everyone has a path to follow that is the right one for them. That's the difference between you and me. I don't hate everyone who isn't like me. I accept everyone for who they are because we are all different and deserve the same respect.
I even go to church every now and then. I actually enjoy some of the services because they teach good lessons and morals which happen to be in my religion as well.
Yes. I infiltrate your church and I know your teachings. Maybe you should learn mine. You may be surprised that we're not so different, you and I.
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