Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali everyone! For those who don't know what that is it's the Festival of Lights that is celebrated by Hindus. It's also their Indian New Year. I just thought that it was something special to be recognized. I actually admire a lot of religious holidays that aren't my own.

Anyway, I finally have some time to relax for a bit before I start studying for my physics exam on Friday. Today I had a nutrition exam that I think I did well on. I'm so ready for Monday though because not only do I get off at noon since there is no work at the elementary school, but I also get to spend time with my new lover.

I really can't wait.

Next week is Thanksgiving Break. I'll be leaving to go home on Tuesday night since that's the last day of classes for me. I'm really excited to see my dad and little brother. It feels like I haven't seen them in forever. I'm just glad that I get to spend Thanksgiving with my dad who is hardly ever home for the holidays. He's a truck driver so his schedule isn't the best.

It's getting so close to the end of the semester and I'm really ready for the Christmas holidays. My boyfriend has said that he's going to take me on a trip to anywhere I want. I couldn't make up my mind so I just told him to surprise me. I'm thinking he's going to take me to Las Vegas or something. That would be really fun!

I know I probably shouldn't feel this but I feel pity for my ex. I'm happy and moved on and he's still stuck behind. Well, I guess Karma is taking it's toll now. He doesn't seem very happy, in fact he seems miserable. He has such a sad energy that I can feel. He's always bored and just really doesn't have anything to live for. Not that I would wish anything ill on him but his life seems very dull.

Well, I guess this was his fault and his decision. I think I was the only person that spiced up his life but oh well. He'll eventually find someone who wants to be as boring as him.

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